
AbacusHKCPA - Company Formation and Company Registration by Hong Kong Accountants (HKCPA)

Abacus CPA
Charity Linking
Tel :
8201 0106
Fax :
3586 8020
Certified Public Accountants

Service in Hong Kong


Bank Account Opening

What should client prepare for opening bank account?

  Personal individual Hong Kong company BVI company
Personal Identity Passport copy Passport copy of all directors Passport copy of all directors and shareholders
Company information,
including CI and director minutes
N/A To be prepared by Company Secretary of the company To be prepared by Company Secretary of the company
Address proof (1) Address proof Required by some banks Required by some banks
Banker’s reference letter (2) Required by some banks Required by some banks Required by some banks
Business record / planning (3) N/A Required by some banks Required by some banks
Certificate of Incumbency (4) N/A N/A Required by some banks
Certificate of Good Standing (5) N/A N/A Required by some banks

(1) Address proof can be any telephone bill, electricity bill, or bank statement showing name and address. Photocopy is required in start of application. Originalis required when client is signing the bank account opening document.

(2) Our firm can provide sample if necessary. Most bank charges for issuance of such reference letter.

(3) Requirement may be exempted if directors can sign documents in Hong Kong. Our firm can provide sample if necessary.

(4) & (5) Requirement maybe exempted by bank depending on bank policy and history of applicant company.

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AbacusHKCPA - Certified Public Accountants base in Hong Kong (HK) - ACCA, HKICPA, providing services of

company formation, financial management, business advisory, accounting and auditing.